Month: December 2013
Fox Sparrow Released in Sunny Brae

After 12 days with her/his wing immobilized (periodically checking to make sure all was proceeding nicely) the Fox Sparrow’s clavicle had healed. Bird bones heal much faster than mammals! After a couple of days in our Songbird Aviary, so that we could evaluate the sparrow’s flight, all was well and the bird was ready for release. We took the lucky bird back to the neighborhood where s/he was found.
As soon as the box was opened the sparrow darted to the nearest blackberry bramble and back to the life s/he’d known before it was interrupted by the invisible wall of glass.
If you find an injured wild animal, please call our hotline 707-822-8839. After hours? Simply follow the directions on our message and we’ll get back to you first thing in the morning. Thank you for your love of wildlife. And remember, your support makes our work possible.
Cooper’s Hawk Released
Cackling Goose released!
Aleutian Cackling Geese winter all along the west coast of North America, often flying directly from their breeding grounds in the Aleutian Islands, across the North Pacific Ocean nonstop, arriving here in very thin condition. If anything goes wrong, a bird may lack the resources to recover on his or her own. At times like these, the lucky birds are rescued. Emaciation is life threatening, but it does have a well known treatment – fluids, warmth and an appropriate diet.
If you find an injured wild animal, contact your nearest permitted wildlife rehabilitator. Thank you for your support and for your love for wildlife. (video Kim Coleman/Bird Ally X)