The first patient of 2022 was a Western Screech Owl who’d been hit by a vehicle at Confusion Hill in Northern Mendocino county. The person who found the small owl was unable to transport them to our facility in Bayside, so HWCC/bax staff drove down in a heavy rainstorm to bring the owl into care.
One of the everyday challenges of our work here on the North Coast is the huge geographical area we cover. In other regions where the human population is greater and there are multiple wildlife care facilities, the idea of transporting an animal 2 or 3 hours is quite foreign. But here, it’s matter of course. And in the winter months it can be pretty stressful sending people into remote areas in bad weather and spotty phone coverage.
When the owl arrived at our clinic, his attitude was very depressed. While responsive to our presence, for the first few days, sleep was their preferred activity. On their third day in care their attitude had improved considerably and we were able to move the owl to an outside aviary. Within a day after moving outdoors, the owl was flying.
It’s fairly common with very small owls we’ve admitted after being hit by a vehicle that they present to us in the clinic with only neurological symptoms. Their lower body mass reduces the intensity of the impact. Larger owls, and other large birds, are more likely to suffer more traumatic injuries from these impacts, such as broken bones, and internal organ damage.
After a week in care, the owl was flying very well and had fully recovered from their misadventure. Now we only had to take him back to Mendocino.
All of our patients present challenges. From the moment we learn of a wild animal in need, we start a process that isn’t finished until the final outcome is realized. In our region, one of our common challenges, from the time of rescue to release, is the long drive. On a sunny Sunday morning the staff member who picked up the owl and a regular Sunday volunteer made the trip back to Confusion Hill to return this lucky owl to their wild freedom.
Thanks to your support, material and moral, we are able , everyday, to meet the challenge of our difficult work in often remote locations! Your support makes a huge difference in the lives of our wild neighbors in need. Thank you!! Want to help? DONATE HERE

photo: Laura Corsiglia/bax