Our month for the wonderful community support program of the North Coast Co-op has arrived! It’s a fantastic and simple thing, the Seeds For Change program of the Co-op. Each month an area non-profit, chosen by co-op members, is the beneficiary of customers rounding up their purchases at the checkout. It’s so easy and makes such a difference! And boy do we need it! Besides our ever increasing caseload of wild patients (last year we treated 1,612 of our wild neighbors!) and the coming of our busy wild baby season, but this is the year we have to find our new location and move there. We are extremely grateful for this opportunity provided by the membership and leadership of the North Coast Co-op! So please, this month, when you shop the co-op, remember us when you checkout and be sure to ask to round up your purchase to support our region’s injured and orphaned wild animals!
And thank you to everyone who supports our work! Without you we wouldnt be here at all!

Want to donate now? click here!