We’re going to need it even more in 2024!
Please DONATE to help us help our wild neighbors in need!

Dear Friends and Supporters
Season’s Greetings! It’s hard to believe we’ve made it another year! After moving all of our operations to our undeveloped new property in March, the challenges were looming. The prospect of treating the 800 or so wild babies we admit each year in a completely unprepared facility was daunting. With your support however, we quickly got a workable pool for seabird orphans, an aviary for songbirds, other outdoor housing that we made work for everyone from Mallard ducklings to Pelicans and even a Gray Squirrel!
In the end, it was a season full of joys and successes! We treated and released dozens of baby Swallows – Barn Swallows, Cliff Swallows and Violet-Green Swallows – and we treated nearly 200 orphaned Opossum babies! 13 Raccoons! Over a dozen Striped Skunk kits and over a dozen Mallard ducklings too! We brought safe and humane resolutions to dozens of human-wildlife conflicts, keeping wild families together and protecting people’s homes! We even managed to take in the deer fawns from the Redding/Shasta area when the facility there became unavailable.
Ahead, in the Winter months, we’ll rebuild more of our capacity. We have support from the Oiled Wildlife Care Network to build three large seabird pools, we’ll soon finish the raccoon housing we started this Summer – an aviary for ducks, geese and herons will be started soon… Funding issues are forever – we’ll ask for your help again and again. Our community’s support has been awesome. Without you 2023 would’ve been a disaster! Instead it was the first year in our bold new era of independence and sustainability! Thank you!
As we enter the Winter months, with a to-do list that is exciting and challenging, we’ll continue to build a wildlife care facility that is as good as our Wild Neighbors deserve. I hope that 2024 brings all of us, near and far, the peace and prosperity that will help get the hard work done. Thank you for your support across the year, and the ages.
You make it all possible! May you have a joyful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!
With deep gratitude
Monte Merrick, director HWCC/bax