Wild at Heart

A volunteer feeds young Cliff Swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) on the verge of taking their first flight from our fledging box into the bright songbird aviary just beyond the screen. (photo: Laura Corsiglia /BAX)


Right now, our wildlife clinic, Humboldt Wildlife Care Center, has nearly 100 patients in care. Ranging from a dozen Cliff Swallows, each from a nest somehow destroyed, to an Osprey whose feathers were badly singed by a nest fire near Weaverville; – from 23 orphaned young Raccoons to the 3 chipmunks found in a garage after their mother was killed by a trap.

We need your help! Want to help buy the formula, the fish, the supplies, the water, the electricity and more that we need? Click here to make a contribution through paypal, or send a check! Thank you!!!

Every day our phone rings dozens of times with calls from our neighbors near and far who’ve had an encounter, a conflict, or a question about a wild animal they just saw. Most people who call want to find help for an animal in need. Not every one who calls is a friend of the wild.

We give each caller the best we have, to advocate for the wild. The situation could be anything. It may be an animal in a trap, desperate for release and it is our task to make sure this is done, or it may be that there’s a nest with just hatched babies that someone wants to remove, or someone 80 miles away may have found an orphan who needs stabilizing care as soon as possible, and we are the closest facility.

Each call is that animal’s last shot at another chance. And sometimes we fail.

Sometimes the person calling doesn’t want to let the opossum out of the trap and the line goes dead. We call back and there is no answer. And we have nearly one hundred patients in care.  Maybe we can’t save this opossum, but we do have other mouths to feed. So we move forward, carrying the phone in our pocket.

Summer is a remarkable season for a wildlife rehabilitation clinic. For many others,  it’s a time of relaxation and outdoor enjoyment. For us, our hours are long; the tasks are hard. Still, the joys of seeing our patients mature into capable juveniles and adults are immeasurable. And the slow, silent changes the work makes in us – day in, day out – minute by minute – year by year – are endlessly surprising. We might expect to rise in the morning and find leaves growing from our hair, or certain desires to back into our musky dens and rest our chins on our forepaws through the night.

We do a pretty good job raising fierce little wild raccoons who we are certain are ready to be free in the wild universe at their release. We have good raccoon feeding protocols, and we watch them closely for success. We keep the intelligent and inqusitive young explorers as apart from us as we can, so that they might always prefer a field we don’t dominate.  We give them the best schooling we can on where the food is, and why climbing is important. We keep them safe until keeping them causes them harm. It takes about 4 months, usually. Over 80% of the orphaned raccoon we treat make it. When they don’t survive, they are usually very young.

Last week, we lost a little guy, a male raccoon, small enough to hold in your hand. He went suddenly. In the course of a few hours on a weekend afternoon, he went from seemingly healthy to dead. His eyes had been open about ten days. Once his death was confirmed, we opened him to learn why. There were no clues. Just small raccoon ribs making a beautiful tiny cavern for his pink lungs and there, right against his spine, his wee raccoon heart. From his ancestral past to his guard hairs and whiskers to his utter core he was a beautiful raccoon, all wild, all fierce…

Our clinic is a small one. There are bigger facilities in other parts of the state, all over the world. We treat about 1200 patients each year and we help resolve  the conflicts that may be saving a few thousand more from becoming injured that time, that day.

We operate on a quarter-acre of land alongside Jacoby Creek on the edge of Humboldt Bay. Our ‘campus’ consists of a double-wide mobile unit with thoughtful and frugal recovery enclosures for a variety of species, built in manner of homestead outbuildings on our very meager budget. Yet we are one of the points of congress between the built world and the wild.

Our clinic is a portal between the human and the wild that operates every day of the year. Our daily proximity to the wild, in the form of her orphaned and injured children, exposes caregivers, makes us more wild. Here at the center of the Redwood Coast, on the edge of our great Western Sea, under the sky and standing on ground that has seen thousands of  years joy and sorrow, beauty and tragedy – suffered the losses of forests, of people, of species, of stability, here we are, now, alive, breathing, dreaming, and  striving to help those for whom there would be nothing if we weren’t here.

We are one of the small hearts you’ll find at the center of everything.


PLEASE HELP. Your contribution goes directly toward our mission.





Rescued, Raised and Released – Woodpecker Babies Home Again!

In May, five young Downy Woodpeckers nestlings, not yet ready to fly, were rescued on a stream off the Klamath River, near Happy Camp, nearly three hours north-east of our clinic. Their tree had fallen in the river, their nest waterlogged. (read original story)

Each of the five nestlings had been contaminated by the inappropriate diet that their rescuers had fed them after looking for help on the internet. (Please, call us or your local wildlife rehabilitator if you find an orphaned or injured wild animal. Rehabilitators have the knowledge and the facility to provide the proper care, feeding and housing!) These young insectivores were fed a mash of wet cat food and raw egg! Remnants of the food was dried and caked in their new feathers, putting them at significant risk of loss. Loss of feathers would have greatly increased their time in care. We gave them all baths in warm soapy water.



DOWO-juv1Our young patients, still wet from their bath, drying in a warm incubator.

The cleaning process is very stressful, potentially life threatening, and is only undertaken by trained staff as a last resort. Fortunately, each bird survived being cleaned.

Because of concern for their feathers and our uncertainty that they could withstand the rigors of being housed outdoors, we kept our fragile young patients inside for several days misting them with clean water multiple times each day to encourage the inexperienced new feather owners to preen (the process by which birds keep their feathers in good shape, clean and tidy). Soon they were ready for an outdoor aviary. Although confident that each bird could fly, we housed them in a smaller “fledging box” outside but under cover. We needed to be sure they would stay warm and dry before we could expose them to rain. As you can see in the video, they occassionally escaped from the fledging box into the bigger aviary.

After ten days in the aviary, they had demonstrated beyond doubt that they were ready for release. Self-feeding, clean, dry and nearly impossible to catch! It was time to take them home.

DOWO-happycamp-1The road to Happy Camp CA. BAX/HWCC is the only licensed all species wildlife rehabilitation facility in an area the size of New Jersey! We are on the road a lot!


DOWO-happycamp-3BAX/HWCC staff rehabilitator, Lucinda Adamson prepares to release the five young Downy Woodpeckers.

DOWO-happycamp-9Freedom Now!
DOWO-happycamp-19Back in their forested mountain home, enjoying their second chance!

Every case, every animal, every story has all of the worries, all of the joys many of the frustrations of our profession. Treating these young woodpeckers was an honor that our staff won’t ever forget. Successfully returning them to their free and wild lives, which had very nearly been cut quite short, is the happiest outcome we could have imagined. Your support made this success story possible.

Right now we have nearly 100 young wild animals in care. Your help providing their care, in the form of financial support, in the form of sharing our work, and as a volunteer in our clinic or as driver across our vast territory is appreciated more than we can say. Thank you!


All photos: Laura Corsiglia/Bird Ally X


New additions to our facility. You can help! (watch video)

This Spring we’ve been adding to our capacity to provide care for injured and orphaned wildlife on California’s North coast. See our latest developmensts in this video. And please, help us help wildlife. We need your support! You can donate here: http://birdallyx.net/donate-now/



Black-footed Albatross in Care

The region that our clinic, Humboldt Wildlife Care Center, serves is huge. We routinely take in patients from over 100 miles away in each direction you can travel by land – North, South, and East – as well as the seabirds of the coast from Northern Mendocino county to Southern Oregon.

And occasionally we even treat a wild neighbor from much farther to the west… check out this short video documenting one of our recent patients from far away over the sea….


We are a small organization with a huge task. Your support makes our work possible.


Five Downy Woodpecker Nestlings in Care

These nestling Downy Woodpeckers were rescued after their nest tree fell into a creek deep in the hills of remote northern California. Waterlogged but alive, their rescuers warmed them up and searched the internet for care instructions.

Unfortunately the advice they found was bad, which was to feed them a mix of cat food and raw egg… now each baby will have to undergo a stressful cleaning process.

If you find a wild animal that needs help, do what you can to get them to get her or him out of harm’s way, but please, before you provide any additional care, call a wildlife rehabilitator. Every species has its own needs. A trained permitted wildlife rehabilitator can provide the appropriate diet, housing, and treatment that all wild patients need. Don’t trust the internet!

Still, we greatly appreciate that these birds were found and safely rescued. If you find a wild animal you think needs help, call us! 707 822 8839

Bonus: here they are “After Bathing at BAXters*

*did you get that joke? let us know on our facebook page!


New Additions Coming! You Can Help!

Help us pay for a new seabird pool! Each year we treat over 200 Seabirds and we only have one large pool! We’re getting ready to build a new one and we need your help. Donate today!

Your gift helps turn lives around - this orphan Common Murre formed a bond with an adult patient, as both recovered in our seabird pool.
Your gift helps turn lives around – this orphan Common Murre formed a bond with an adult patient, as both recovered in our seabird pool.

We’re also putting up a new small bird aviary. Hundreds of our patients each year, from Barn Swallows to Western Screech Owls will benefit. Want to help? Donate today.

5:19 hummingbird re-unite - 05

Mention either of these projects in the comment of your donation, please so we can be sure to thank you specifically for helping us get these projects completed!

As always, thank you for supporting our work and thank you your love of wildlife!




Storm-tossed Gull Finds Freedom on Christmas Day

Every day, whether weekday, weekend, or important national or cultural holiday, is still a day in the modern world for our wild neighbors – and that’s why Humboldt Wildlife Care Center is open every day of the year.

This morning, besides for the regular care our patients receive – bedding changes, food, medicine, regular exams – we admitted a new patient, a Pine Siskin (Spinus pinus) who had been caught by the family cat, and we cleared this Glaucous-winged Gull (Larus glaucescens) for release!

Over the past two weeks of wild weather, our wildlife clinic’s list of patients has leaned heavily toward marine birds – Gulls, Grebes, Loons, Scoters – several of each have passed through our care over the last 14 days.

Found in an Arcata backyard after a night of heavy rain and high winds, this disoriented gull was brought in two days ago.  After an exam we found no injuries, or any other physical problems – so we held the beautiful bird for observation and flight testing. At this morning’s check, the gull had eaten all of the fish we’d offered and was flying laps around the large aviary. We decided that captivity was doing this guy no good at all. During an enjoyable break in the winter weather, the gull was released this afternoon.

GWGU release 12:25:15 - 01HWCC Rehabilitator, Lucinda Adamson releases Glaucous-winged Gull at Arcata Marsh, Christmas day. 

GWGU release 12:25:15 - 04

GWGU release 12:25:15 - 09

GWGU release 12:25:15 - 15One of our happiest sights, a released patient moving quickly away from us back into the Wild.

When a neighbor calls us on Christmas day because she or he has found an injured animal, often we are thanked repeatedly for being here, for being open. On days like today, when our work’s value is so easy to see, it’s really we who are thankful – thankful for our wild neighbors who make our world so companionable, thankful to be able to help them when they are in need, and thankful to you and your generous support which makes our work possible.

All Photos: Laura Corsiglia/Bird Ally X


Freedom’s Greetings!

2015-card-fox-FLAT copy

Season’s Greetings Friend of Wildlife!

Each year, as our days dip toward night and we turn toward interior pleasures with our families and friends, we have an opportunity to celebrate our past year, revel in our victories, and honor our losses.

In 2015, our wildlife ambassadors have gone to over a hundred schools and groups to promote co-existence with our natural world. We’ve helped more than 5000 callers with a wildlife concern. At Humboldt Wildlife Care Center we have treated nearly 1100 injured and orphaned wild neighbors.

Not every case ends as we wish, of course. Many patients are too severely injured to be successfully rehabilitated. We honor their memory. We redouble our efforts to help eliminate causes of injury.

And thankfully many of our patients do get a second chance!

Like the Gray Fox on this card: Brought to us on a Sunday morning in late Summer, this beautiful and fierce adult had her head caught in a hard plastic cup. Whether some kind of trap or a terrible accident, her predicament had been caused by people. Unable to hunt, she’d nearly starved.

We cut away the cup, treated her wounds, and provided her safe-haven so that her health could recover. When she’d nearly doubled in weight and was raring to go, she was released back to her wild and free life. And one small injustice among the daunting environmental challenges of our time was righted.

That’s how we work, case by case, life by life.

This season of gratitude and appreciation, we thank you for your support and for your love for all that is wild. Thank you for helping us give this fox and all our patients a second chance!

We wish you a happy season, a joyful solstice and prosperous new year. We look forward to another year of meeting our mission with your continued support


In alliance with the wild,
the Staff and Volunteers of Bird Ally X/Humboldt Wildlife Care Center




BAX Staff Activated by Oiled Wildlife Care Network

Last Saturday a truck hauling diesel fuel wrecked on US 101, near Big Lagoon in Northern Humboldt County. It was reported that approximately 1000 gallons of diesel fuel leaked  from the overturned trailer and some of that made into the waterway. Diesel fuel is unlike crude oil or less refined fuels – it evaporates quickly but it also kills more quickly – causing severe respiratory injuries and skin burns.

At first, it was believed that all of the spilled fuel had been contained and that none of our wild neighbors had been impacted. However, early Monday morning, local Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) personnel spotted two Ruddy Ducks that appeared to be contaminated by diesel.

By Monday afternoon BAX staff along with other responders from CDFW and the Oiled Wildlife Care Network (OWCN) were in the field searching for any wild animals impacted by the spill.

Big Lagoon Spill 2015 - 1

Lucinda Adamson, BAX/HWCC wildlife rehabilitator at the Big Lagoon spill last week.  (photo: Bird Ally X)

Big Lagoon Spill 2015 - 2

BAX responder, Elissa Blair surveys Big Lagoon early in the morning searching for oiled wildlife.   (photo: Bird Ally X)

By late Wednesday, no live oiled animals had been found. One dead Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) was found that was later confirmed to be oiled.

One death is too many. And no doubt there were other wild animals not found who were killed by the diesel. Still, this could have been much worse. Big Lagoon is a naturally attractive waterfowl area, with thousands of birds of many species using it as a winter home. Perhaps fortunately, the Lagoon breached over the weekend as well and the water level fell considerably, possibly helping dissipate the petro-toxin. As the saying goes, the solution to pollution is dilution.

Instead of a major disaster we experienced a trial under live fire – which we can use to improve our capabilities and insure preparedness for any future accidents or spills. Preparedeness is the first and most important step toward meeting the mission of the OWCN.

The Oiled Wildlife Care Network is a little known agency in California – jointly administered by UC Davis’ Wildlife Health Center and an oilspill-specific department within CDFW, the Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR)* – that is unique in our country and maybe even the world – a network of universities, agencies and wildlife care providers dedicated to providing the “best achievable capture and care of oil-affected wildlife.” The OWCN has nearly 40 member organizations and several primary care facilities purpose-built for large scale spill responses all along the California coast.

BAX was founded by wildlife rehabilitators and spill responders who each have a long history with the OWCN. We’ve worked hard to bring HWCC up to the standards required to be a member organization. When oil spills here in our backyard or anywhere in California (as we saw last Spring in Santa Barbara), BAX staff can be mobilized to provide whatever help is needed.

If you’re interested in becoming a qualified oiled wildlife responder, volunteering with us at our Bayside clinic is an excellent first step!

And as always, it is your support that makes our work possible. Thank you for your generosity and for your love for the Wild!



* the alphabet soup gets thick fast! Basically UCD-WHC with CDFW-OSPR runs the OWCN of which HSU-MWCC and HWCC/BAX are members, or just read the story above and let the acronyms dissolve into eternity….
