A new format in progress…

The Bird Ally X blog is in the process of growing into a fully functional website. While it is expected that the function of the blog will be retained, we do anticipate providing a signifcantly imcreased amount of information, links to services, and more. This blog, at wordpress, is part of that transition. This will allow us to more efffectively meet our mission and our commitment to provide educational and informational materials and literature for our colleagues and our neighbors.

You will be able to find current updates on animal care and issues we are concerned as well as news from around the digital community that relates to our mission on our facebook page.

Our blogger page is still up if you’d like to donate. Also you can still find information for Humboldt Wildlife Care Center, our largest project.

See you in the ether!


Fox Sparrow Released in Sunny Brae

December 10, a resident of the Sunny Brae neighborhood of Arcata brought to our clinic a Fox Sparrow who’d struck a window on her house. Imagine the shock of hitting an invisible wall while flying. 
Nothing in the evolution of songbirds has prepared them for this recent development. Window strikes are often fatal. Head trauma and permanently debilitating fractures are common. Sometimes, however a bird might suffer no injury at all and a quiet safe palce to recover for 30 minutes to an hour is all that is needed before s/he is able to fly off again. For this little sparrow, though, it was neither fatal or minor. A broken clavicle (analogous to our collarbone) rendered her or him unable to fly. Fortunately the bird was rescued before anything worse happened (such as an outdoor kitty!).
You can help protect songbirds from these collisions in a number of ways. Decals, objects suspended in front of the glass, anything that draws attention the fact that there is no safe passage. Both strongly reflected sunlight and apparent clear sailing right through a structure can deceive a quickly moivng bird. Multiple startegies may be necessary. (more info)

After 12 days with her/his wing immobilized (periodically checking to make sure all was proceeding nicely) the Fox Sparrow’s clavicle had healed. Bird bones heal much faster than mammals! After a couple of days in our Songbird Aviary, so that we could evaluate the sparrow’s flight, all was well and the bird was ready for release. We took the lucky bird back to the neighborhood where s/he was found.

As soon as the box was opened the sparrow darted to the nearest blackberry bramble and back to the life s/he’d known before it was interrupted by the invisible wall of glass.

If you find an injured wild animal, please call our hotline 707-822-8839. After hours? Simply follow the directions on our message and we’ll get back to you first thing in the morning. Thank you for your love of wildlife. And remember, your support makes our work possible. 

(photos: Laura Corsiglia)

Cooper’s Hawk Released

Cooper’s Hawk brought into Humboldt Wildlife Care Center on the Winter Solstice after being hit by a car on US 101 along Humboldt Bay. She was a lucky bird! Only stunned by the impact, after a night of captivity her wits were regained and she was flying as strongly as ever. No injuries were present and she was quickly returned to the area where she’d been found. In excllent condtion this bird is a very capable hunter. Let’s hope she raises some young to be just like her next Spring! Check out the video taken by BAX/HWCC volunteer Cheryl Henke


Cackling Goose released!

This Cackling Goose, found emaciated and near death on Trinidad State Beach, was brought into care at Bird Ally X/ Humboldt Wildlife Care Center. After 3 weeks of clover, cracked corn and a quiet place to recover s/he was released 12/4/13 into a large group of wintering geese nearby.

Aleutian Cackling Geese winter all along the west coast of North America, often flying directly from their breeding grounds in the Aleutian Islands, across the North Pacific Ocean nonstop, arriving here in very thin condition. If anything goes wrong, a bird may lack the resources to recover on his or her own. At times like these, the lucky birds are rescued. Emaciation is life threatening, but it does have a well known treatment – fluids, warmth and an appropriate diet.

If you find an injured wild animal, contact your nearest permitted wildlife rehabilitator. Thank you for your support and for your love for wildlife. www.birdallyx.net (video Kim Coleman/Bird Ally X)


An Introduction to Aquatic Bird Rehabilitation, Revised 2nd Edition Released

An Introduction to Aquatic Bird Rehabilitation sold out its first run. We’re happy to announce our 2nd, revised edition is now available. What’s new? Number one is the addition of Marie Travers as an author! As a co-director of Bird Ally X, Ms. Travers was an important contributor to the 1st edition. With recent shiftings and re-configurings we are happily able to credit her invaluable work.
Other changes include an updated fish slurry recipe, as well as updated resources. (If you have the 1st edition and would like access to these updates, let us know. We’ll send you a pdf file.)

The book is still $38 and still available right here. Written by wildlife rehabilitators for wildlife rehabilitators this book can get you through the very basics of treating these beautiful and demanding birds. Order yours today!


coyote’s tail swishing madly away

you can use this machine
for what it’s worth –
its a trek uphill and
the road is lined with this or that thing.

these aren’t the first stars i’ve seen –
but still they are.
still the sky is this sky
and not another.

thumbnail moon and
venus above the
live blue sea

blackberry stitches the old stumps
together –
straddling the ridge
between this and that stream.
young doug fir here
and there – even as
blows rain.

open toward the blaze of reality,
a coyote’s tail swishing madly

the rustle of leaves

this warm September dusk on the
western edge of what happened.


Juvenile Gray Whale Dies on Manila Beach

At 5:45 pm the phone rang at our Bayside clinic. A small whale had just beached in Manila. We typically receive calls all day long about wildlife in trouble, but a whale beaching is not exactly ordinary. Laura Corsiglia, co-director at Bird Ally X, headed to the site to gather information and make photographs.

Fortunately our area is rich in wildlife professionals, in no small measure due to the presence of the nationally recognized wildlife program at Humboldt State University. Neither BAX or the Humboldt Wildlife Care Center are equipped to treat any marine mammals, so we then notified North Coast Marine Mammal Center’s hotline (951-4722) and we contacted Dawn Goley, professor of zoology at HSU and Stranding coordinator of the Marine Mammal Stranding Network.

Sadly, the whale, a juvenile about 10 meters in length, was already deceased. While Ms. Corsiglia documented the process, Professor Goley along with some of her students, and members of the NCMMC stranding team took samples and performed a field examination of the whale’s body.

Multiple scars were seen, showing evidence of entanglement in derelict fishing gear or ropes.

Wrecked on the shore, the whale is very impressive, beautiful, elegant and graceful, even though stranded and to roam the seas no more forever.

Coming directly on the heels of another stranding on Centerville Beach, about 30 miles south and with the reports of a massive krill die-off along the Northern California/Southern Oregon coast – this whale’s death reminds us that the ocean we love, and in many ways take for granted, is experiencing very hard times.

While the problems facing our world seem insurmountable, we must act as if they are not. We must begin now and everyday to repair our relationship with the earth who sustains us and gives us our life. We must do what we can to help the ocean, the rivers – the waters of life and our only hope for survival – we must do what we can to help them heal. Please, even a small act, such as picking up discarded fishing line, or any trashy debris, is an act in the right direction. Let’s not wait for Earth Day, or Ocean Clean-up Day – the whole natural world is waiting for us to rejoin them.
(all photos: Laura Corsiglia/ Bird Ally X)

Linda Stockton of the North Coast Marine Mammal Center

Backlit, the whiskers of this sea mammal are easy to admire.

Samples of the dead whale’s flesh are taken for study.

Scars around the tail show more evidence of entanglement.

Scars in the corners of the whale’s mouth are also likely from entanglement in derelict rope.

Professor Dawn Goley, HSU, measures wounds likely cause by derelict gear.


Large Aviary at Humboldt Wildlife Care Center Nears Completion

Framing up and priming underway!

With a $2000 sponsorship from Northcoast Horticulture Supply, Bird Ally X began construction of a new large aviary at Humboldt Wildlife Care Center this Spring. At 24 by 30 feet and with a 12 foot ceiling, this aviary will be large enough for Red-tailed hawks and Ravens and will greatly increase capacity at our small Bayside, California facility. With final work being done right now, we anticipate completion by July 1.

Multi-purpose design allows for flexible use!

Added to our other recent additions, our capacity to care for injured and orphaned wildlife on California’s Northcoast  has grown dramatically in the last 2 years. We now have specialized aviaries for every species of bird that we treat. We’ve also added new mammal housing for complete onsite care for all our raccoon, opossum (and this year even coyote) patients!

 Sage green, helping preserve our rural ambience!

These additions do cost money! We use recycled, re-purposed and donated materials whenever we can but still, your help is greatly appreciated. Our goal of $5000 will cover the cost of the new Large Aviary.

You can help us meet that goal by contributing today!
Your contribution directly supports the necessary work of rehabilitatiing wildlife injured and orphaned, nearly 100% of the time by the casual damage caused by our industrial world.

Thank you for your love of wildlife and support of our work!

The 12 foot height presents challenges for interns tasked with construction

In alliance all wild animals,

Bird Ally X
