As the conditions brought on by the global novel coronavirus pandemic continue to lighten here in Northern California, we will be resuming our volunteer program, although on a limited scale at first. We have room for 12 new volunteers and interns on our crew and we think it might be you we’re looking for!
Critical tasks include: Laundry! Dishes! General housekeeping! (that’s the bulk of what we all do!) And of course other tasks include providing care for orphaned wild babies, like opossums, House Finches, raccoons, seabird chicks, and more…
Last year we treated 1,568 wild patients. Half of them, 790 of our year’s caseload, were admitted between May 23 and August 23 – so yes, our Spring and Summer season is intense! And that’s why we need your help!
Sign up today (click here), and plan to attend (via Zoom) our first ever livestreamed orientation on April 25!
Author: Monte Merrick
Red-tailed Hawk Returns to Berry Summit
A passing motorist crossing the top of Berry Summit, about 30 miles East of Humboldt Bay, witnessed a hawk getting hit by a car. She pulled over quickly and found the bird, who was stunned, unable to stand, let alone fly. She took the hawk home to Hoopa, and contacted Hoopa Tribal Forestry’s wildlife department. The injured raptor, a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) was brought to us by staff at the tribal Forestry agency.
Fortunately, the youngster hadn’t suffered any broken bones. WIthin a couple of days, he was standing and eating. Soon after we moved him outdoors where he made a few tentative flights. Unlike with illnesses, where the patient has suffered a chronic disability for an extended time, this Hawk, other than his disorientation and lethargy from the traumatic blow, was in decent physical condition. After nearly two weeks, he was moved to a larger aviary where we could better assess his flight.

We gave him another week of thawed rats and room to fly before we felt he was ready to go. With his blood parameters in good shape, his physical condition strong and his attitude fully returned, we took him back to Berry Summit.
Your support is what keeps our doors open, ready to receive injured wildlife from all over our region. From Oregon to Willits, from Weaverville to the sea, we are here for our wild neighbors in need. Thank you for making our work possible.

video: Jennifer Martin/bird ally x
Coming Soon in 2022! Humboldt Wildlife Care Center is Moving!
It’s been nearly 15 years since HWCC put its first center for wildlife care on the property of the Jacoby Creek Land Trust. Over the course of those years we’ve cared for neary 20,000 wild neighbors in distress! We helped ten times as many animals over the phone!

When BAX took over managing HWCC in 2011, we were able to use this small underfunded facility (still small! still underfunded!) to demonstrate that highly effective patient housing can be built on a shoestring budget. The methods and techniques we developed here have gone into workshops and trainings for wildlife caregivers around the state and around the world. Helping our colleagues meet the challenge of providing excellent care on very little money is a major part of our mission.
Every day we’ve rolled up the driveway to open our clinic to injured and orphaned wild neighbors in need, covering a region that extends from Southern Oregon to Northern Mendocino, from Mount Lassen to the Pacific. We’ve built patient housing and a reputation for care that has allowed other facilities from around the state send us “problem” patients, so that we could help get them on track for release to the wild.

More than 60 interns – mostly recruited from students at Humboldt State University, but not all – have passed through our program, many using their experience here as a springboard into their careers, including field work and wildlife care. HWCC’s entire staff are graduates of our intern program.

In short, we’re proud of what we built here; we’re grateful for the physical location that gave our patients the first need in a second chance, a place to heal.
But our growth must continue, and to do so we must find a better location with room to meet the demands of our increasingly chaotic natural world. There are things we’ll never be able to do at our current location – for example reahbilitate our region’s orphaned Black Bear cubs, who currently go to Lake Tahoe! We need the security of owning the land on which we operate, or at least the security of guaranteed access to it for a very long time. We need more space than our current quarter acre.
“How do you rebuild a ship at sea? One board at a time.”
Still, we’ll have two more Summers in our current location. No matter how intensive the labor of relocating our facility is, we will continue be at our clinic 7 days a week, every day of the year, as usual, ready to help wildlife in need.
Our first step is finding a suitable location. Ideally this location will be at least two acres between Arcata and Eureka, easy to find and centrally located in the heart of the region we serve. After that comes the building.
We will not be able to do this without your help. Soon we will establish a fundraiser to cover the costs of moving.
This is a big project and it won’t happen without the support of our community. You’ve been there for us since 1979 when all patient care was done in people’s homes scattered across the North Coast. In the coming years we’re still going to need you, in fact we’ll need you even more. Thank you for helping us through this period of growth and expanded services to our wild neighbors in need.

New Wild Review, s2e2: Humane Solutions part one…
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For the latest episode of New Wild Review, four-fifths of Humboldt Wildlife Care Center’s clinic staff got together in February to talk about our Humane Solutions program – a backstage unfiltered eavesdrop as we talk about our work, our frustrations and some of the misconceptions about our wild neighbors that work against peaceful co-existence…

The discussion took off, lasting much longer than expected. In this epsiode, part one of our staff roundtable discussion, featuring Lucinda Adamson, Nora Chatmon, and Brooke Brown, we cover many of the frustrations – next episode the meaning, the awe and the victories – coming soon, the second half, in S2E3…
We hope you enjoy this discussion and remember! – our successful work keeping wild families together comes from your support! Thank you!

Pine Siskins, starvation and salmonella
As anyone with a bird feeder in their backyard can tell you, Winter 20/21 was filled to the brim and overflowing into the saucer with Pine Siskins (Spinus pinus), a member of the finch family (Fringillidae).
Irruptions like this aren’t that unusual – happening every few years or so –
but over the winter, southern Canada and large parts of the United States saw the largest irruption in ‘recorded history’.*
Irruptions occur when a critical food in a species’ wintering grounds is in short supply – for Pine Siskins this means conifer seeds, and Spruce seeds are a favorite – driving the birds south in search of a meal. Starving and desperate, backyard bird feeders must seem like the luckiest break in the world to them.

Unfortunately, when large numbers of birds are concentrated at feeders, the condition are perfect for the spread of an ordinary bacteria, Salmonella. Carried in the intestines of birds and shed through the feces, the closely grouped finches hungrily foraging are constantly exposing each other to the bacteria. The disease that results from the infection, salmonellosis, is often fatal, causing irreparable harm to each bird’s gastro-intestinal tract. Once visibly sick – unable to fly, lethargic, emaciated – nearly all Siskins die. This is the result we saw all across North America over the Winter.
In response to the enormous flocks of starving Pine Siskins, and the attending salmonellosis outbreak, a massive campaign to stop the infectious spread was mounted, with Federal, State and non-governmental organizations stepping in to recommend that all bird feeders be pulled until the outbreak was over.

At Humboldt Wildlife Care Center, we admitted our first Pine Siskin of winter on November 16, 2020. He died two days later. By the end of 2020 we admitted 20 Siskins and only one survived to be released, but that bird did not have any symptoms of salmonellosis upon admission after hitting a window. We have now admitted 55 Pine Siskens, between November 16 and today, March 5. Today, we have one Siskin in care, another window strike, who is otherwise in good health. It was early-mid February when dying Siskins stopped coming in to our clinic. Since then, each bird has been cat caught or a window strike. Because the disease seems to have slowed considerably, the birds we’re admitting often have a much better prognosis.
Of the other 54 Siskins, 9 have been released, 7 came in DOA, 22 died in the first 24 hours in care, 3 died after a day had passed, and 13 were humanely euthanized due to the severity of their infection, or wounds caused by window strikes or house cats. Of course there was some overlap between sick Siskins and cat caught Siskins, due to the sick ones being more vulnerable.
HWCC did not join in the chorus of those recommending that bird feeders be taken down, on the simple reasoning that starvation was driving this concentration of birds, and that reducing available food would make it worse, further reducing availble feeding locations and increasing the density of birds, or simply move the tragedy to a place where the death and suffering wouldn’t be seen.

There is no easy test to determine if our patients have salmonellosis. We rely on clinical symptoms and context. An irruption coupled with Siskins admitted who are very thin, lethargic and sick is the only real diagnosis we have while the patient is alive. While some suggest that euthanasia is the only responsible course of treatment, without solid proof that these birds suffer from the bacteria, that is not a course we could follow.
While there are no studies to support this view, it seems that when hungry refugees show up at your door, the thing to do is provide, not deny, succor. Taking into consideration the unhealthy density of Siskins at feeders leads us to think that other areas could be used to provide more food, in a less concetrated manner than backyard feeders. Why not distribute food freely across parks and refuges? Intervention in nature when nature has been razed, pummeled, roped, when “they’ve tied her with fences and dragged her down” is the only morally responsible thing to do.

For now, the irruption in our region is over. Soon migration will completely make over our world and a whole new cast of characters will be at our feeders, in our yards, singing in our forests and towns. And when the human-modifed world causes our wild neighbors harm, we’ll be here to do what we can that is best for each individual.

Our doors are open each and every day of the year to our region’s injured and orphaned wild neighbors in need. Your support makes that possible. Please DONATE today, if you can! Thank you!!!
- recorded history is a fable…
New Wild Review: Skunk’s Got White Stripes
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2021 and hopefully new hope are here! For the first podcast of the new season, here’s New Wild Review, vol 2 ep 1; – in which first we look at post release studies, and the limitations our obligations as caregivers place on invasive practices. Then we turn our attention to protecting wild families by protecting wild mothers – in this case skunks looking for mates and dens during the winter. Hope you find it informative and useful!

Thank you for helping us get through a difficult year!!! DONATE today to help us rescue injured and orphaned wild neighbors.
Our annual mugs celebrating the past year have arrived!

Want one? We have them at HWCC for $10. Like every year, this mug was drwan by our in-house artst, Laura Corsiglia! Your support goes directly toward keeping our clinic open, ready to help our regions wildlife in need, especially during this global pandemic!
Donate today to support our work year -round!

2020 was a year…
Want to hear about all the trials and tribulations we endured to meet our mission during this fitful year?
Me neither!
This was a tough year for everyone in our commuity (the world), but for the most part, we came through the last ten months stronger, more resilient, and more able to meet the challneges of providing care to our wild neighbors in need and promoting co-existence with the Wild (the highest reality).
So instead of touring through our troubles, here are some photographs of our patients and staff as we did our jobs, all of which was made possible by your generous support – a critical feature of all that we do, and the most necessary thing that’ll get us through whatever 2021 has in store. We need you like an orphaned family of raccoon babies needs Humboldt Wildlife Care Center.
Some of the pools at the BAX Botulism Response field hospital
From Mountain Lion Kittens orphaned by forest fire, to dozens of orphaned Common Murre chicks, from orphaned Gray fox kits to Great Blue Heron chicks blown from their high nest in a freak Summer storm, from caring for 3000 ducks and shorebirds driven to near death by botulism in the Lower Klamath Refuge to cleaning 14 fawn bottles three times a day until all the fawns are weaned and released, staff was ready, pandemic protocols in place, to do the job we’ve always done – helping our wild neighbors in need.
All of us at HWCC/bax thank you deeply for all that you did to help us durvive this year. We wish you a much better 2021, and a return to good graces with nature, Mother Earth, and the wild.
We’re counting on you.

Happy Holidays from Bird Ally X!

Dear Friends and Supporters,
When the pandemic first hit back in late February and early March, I was terrified. Of course I had the same concerns we all have for the safety of our community, our friends, and our loved ones, but more than that I was afraid for what the pandemic and our response to it would do to our mission. At the time it seemed entirely possible that Bird Ally X and all of our projects, including Humboldt Wildlife Care Center could be swept away in the tsunami of economic damage suffered bay our community as well as the overarching concern for human not wildlife health.
By July, after three months of skeleton staff pandemic protocols, HWCC was running on fumes. Our resources were dwindling rapidly as our caseload rocketed. With no volunteers helping us, our small but mighty crew took care of 25% more wild patients between May and August than in 2019, our busiest year to date. In all of California north of Santa Rosa we were the only facility still able to admit orphaned deer fawns. We provided four months of care to more fawns this year than any previous year.
But that wasn’t all 2020 had in store for Bird Ally X. The worst outbreak of avian botulism in over twenty years occurred in the Lower Klamath Wildlife Refuge just north of Shasta. For the last 3 years BAX has operated a field hospital on the Refuge to treat waterfowl and shorebirds impacted by avian botulism. 2020, however, was significantly worse than previous years with tens of thousands of birds killed by the early heat and dry conditions of this season. As with HWCC, our Lower Klamath field hospital was severely understaffed due to the circumstances imposed by COVID-19.
In the face of these challenges and in the midst of the pandemic, you came through for our wild neighbors. You made sure we could get through our difficult season! If you hadn’t we might to be here today. The support that you gave at the end of July did more than pay bills, it gave our staff the lift they needed to persevere. Thank you. The support you provided our botulism response on the Lower Klamath made possible the care of over 3000 ducks, sandpipers, stilts and more during the Summer outbreak.
And there’s no room to mention the fires of Autumn…
We don’t know what the future will bring, but we do know that we need to constantly rebuild ourselves more resilient, more adaptable, more ready to meet the challenge of a life on earth in which all bets are off. For now, please just accept our heartfelt gratitude for the help you gave us this year. We’re still here, thanks only to you.
Please enjoy a beautiful season of gratitude for the love and beauty that still fill our lives even as our world is rocked by troubles. And let’s all wish for each other a healthy and safe and better New Year.
In alliance with all that is wild and free and on behalf of the pandemic crew of Bird Ally X,

Wild Fires Threaten Wild Lives.
With wildfires ravaging Mendocino and Trinity county forests and rural communities and threatening Humboldt county, Humboldt Wildlife Care Center/bird ally x has admitted a few wild animals who were refugees from the flames. Some of these patients have recovered well, but we’ve been made aware of more wild animals that may have been rescued from the fire but are unable to be brought into care at HWCC/bax due to limited resources, road closures, and evacuation orders.

HWCC/bax will accept any and all wildlife impacted by the fires. Our facility and staff are ready. Even wild animals with injuries beyond our capacity to treat locally but which have a good prognosis with the proper care can be stabilized here at HWCC and transported to our colleagues in other parts of the state with more advanced facilities.

If necessary, our staff will organize a pickup point near the evacuation areas. If you have a an injured wild animal in your possession or care, we want to help you get that animal the care and treatment they need and deserve. Let us know. We can and we will help. Report fire-impacted wild animals on our hotline 707 822 8839. And please, be as careful and as safe as you can be.

As always, our work is dependent on the support of our community. Without you, our doors would close forever. Please donate if you can. Thank You!!!
featured fire photo: on scene firefighter Mike McMillan
other photos: Laura Corsiglia/bax