Fish-oiled Pelicans treated by BAX and Humboldt Wildlife Care Center

by monte merrick
     As the Crescent City problem with fish waste appears to be resolved, and we’ve released 18 Brown Pelicans and 1 Western Gull of the 32 birds we’d captured and cleaned, Bird Ally X staff had time last week to get to Shelter Cove to check out the multiple reports we’ve received of a similar problem there.
     Vann Masvidal (a BAX co-director as well as director of Sacramento Wildlife Care Association) and I pulled in to Shelter Cove close to 7pm. We saw 4 Brown Pelicans, scores of gulls and a few Turkey Vultures, eating fish carcass scraps from the fish cleaning station. Many of the gulls were contaminated as were all of the pelicans we saw. Perched on the sloping drop that goes to the ocean just beyond the station, and out of our reach, were another 5-6 pelicans. More pelicans could be seen about 100 meters off on a rock formation, although light and fog conditions made it impossible to tell if they were contaminated.
Pelicans, gulls, and vultures haunt the fish-cleaning station at Shelter Cove
     The cleaning station is an open table with a center trough that takes the fish waste into a grinder where it is processed and ejected into the ocean. Approximately 20 fish carcasses were laying on the table – no one was present. 
     We captured the 4 pelicans and 1 gull before dark and brought them back to the Humboldt Wildlife Care Center (HWCC). As we caught these birds, by telephone, I was live on the local radio station, KMUD, describing what we were doing and seeing. The program host, Barbara Schultz said that the community of Shelter Cove would take care of this problem once they were aware of the situation.

A Pelican has nearly captured himself. This bird is currently in care and awaiting wash.

     The next day we returned to find the cleaning station clean of any fish and no birds near the area. After driving down the long sloping road to the boat launch and beach, we were able to see Brown Pelicans perched on a small knob of rock that is part of the bluff overlooking the cove, about 150 meters away. We approached on foot and soon realized that all 11 pelicans in view were contaminated and, fortunately within reach.
Contaminated pelicans in Shelter Cove. Four of these birds were rescued by BAX staff
     Using bait and a net we were able to capture 4 pelicans before the light receded and the tide came in, forcing us to quit for the day.
     These birds were significantly more dirty than the Crescent City pelicans, possibly due to the way fish waste is ultimately treated at the Shelter Cove station. In Crescent City the problem was open bins of fish carcasses that allowed pelicans and other birds to climb in and become soiled. In Shelter Cove, fish carcasses were being left on the tables, apparently intentionally, so that birds could eat them. What wasn’t eaten was passed through a large grinder and then piped down the bluff, ending about 10 feet above the surface of the ocean. Several of the pelicans rescued from Shelter Cove are completely covered in fish oil, suggesting that they are being doused by the offal that flows from the pipe, although this has yet to be observed.
      In any case, restricting access to the fish waste is an easy solution to a problem that is deadly to birds.

      Meanwhile, we believe there are between 5 and 10 more Brown Pelicans in Shelter Cove who are contaminated and in need of care. Further attempts to rescue them will be made this week.

  Lucinda Adamson and Lena Orozco of Humboldt Wildlife Care Center examine a pelican rescued from Shelter Cove with Vann Masvidal, of Bird Ally X.
     Now, at HWCC we have 8 birds in need of cleaning, as well as the cleaned and recovering pelicans remaining from the Crescent City incident. 
     We are building a wash facility at HWCC to care for these birds. This will add significantly to the Care Center’s capacity to rehabilitate aquatic birds, who often require cleaning as part of their care. 
     The costs of the upgrades to their infrastructure are high. 
     Any support is appreciated, especially financial.
     More information on Humboldt Wildlife Care Center, and their current needs as they care for these birds can found at
     Also, without your support, Bird Ally X would not be able to help smaller wildlife rehabilitation centers care for aquatic birds in crisis as we do. We appreciate everyone who has helped us. 
     Thank you, and we hope for your continued support.


Crescent City Fish Oil Incident Update

Yesterday we released 10 pelicans and 1 gull at the mouth of Redwood Creek near Orick. The presence of other young and adult Pelicans there, as well as a large colony of gulls, along with the absence of highly developed fishing infrastructure made this an ideal release site. Jeff Dayton, environmental scientist with the Department of Fish and Game’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response in Eureka was helpful in securing permission for us to release these birds near the Redwood National Park.

As of now we have 18 birds in care from this incident. Today we will be evaluating 8 of them for release tomorrow at the same location.

Thursday, 1 September was the last day of search and collection in Crescent City Harbor. Bird Ally X team members captured 3 Brown Pelicans. One of these birds had a severely broken wing and was humanely euthanized upon arrival at the Humboldt Wildlife Care Center. The other two were contaminated with fish oil. These are the last birds observed in the Harbor. No other contaminated birds were seen. Scores of juvenile pelicans were observed plunge- diving in and outside the Crescent City harbor.  Richard Young, the Crescent City harbormaster has been very supportive in our effort to resolve this problem. Lids on the fish waste bins and signs at the cleaning stations appear to have stemmed the problem.
All the contaminated birds from Crescent City have been stabilized and cleaned. Because the Oiled Wildlife Care Network opened their facility at Humboldt State University for our use we were able to wash 25 contaminated birds there. BAX is very appreciative of the assistance that the OWCN and HSU provided. Their help made this response much easier. 
All of the patients in care from this incident are now housed outdoors in aviaries with access to water.
Sunday and Monday, the patients who had been identified with medical problems were seen by Dr. Shannon Riggs, BAX veterinarian – fortunately there are only five or so birds on medications for wounds not related to the contamination. 

On a less fortunate note, there have been reports of “wet” pelicans at Trinidad Harbor, and one wet pelican was captured at Shelter Cove, but died before transport to HWCC. There are reports of other wet pelicans there as well. A BAX team is going to Shelter Cove today to determine the situation and, if there is a contamination problem, try to ascertain the cause and develop a plan to eliminate it, and capture any contaminated birds we can.


Fish Oiled Brown Pelicans Rescued and Treated by Humboldt Wildlife Care Center with help from Bird Ally X

Fish oil contaminated juvenile Brown Pelicans roost near the dead body of another of this year’s young.

On August 24 Bird Ally X received word of Brown Pelicans in trouble in Crescent City Harbor. Young pelicans were contaminated with “fish oil” coming from the cleaning stations at the public dock.
The next morning, Bird Ally staff, in partnership with Humboldt Wildlife Care Center went to Crescent City and discovered at least 2 dozen juvenile Brown Pelicans heavily contaminated. Large bins of fish-waste at a local cleaning station were open to the young, inexperienced birds, eager for an easily gotten meal.
It takes experience and maturity to get your living from the cold waters of the North Pacific and these birds, fresh from the nest, rely on bays and sheltered coves as training ground for a life at sea. Used to being fed by their parents, it is an easy switch to scavenging and begging.
Securing the fish-waste bins was the first step toward solving the problem. An easy fix, HWCC, working with the Crescent City Harbor District, added hinged lids to the bins.
Less easy is the rescue and rehabilitation of the impacted wildlife.
Fish oil interferes with the structure of the feathers of waterproof birds, allowing cold sea water to get beneath their down. Unable to stay dry and warm, birds may stop entering the water. Starvation follows. Unable to clean the fish oil themselves, they are helpless without intervention.
“Fish-oiled” birds require treatment almost exactly as if they had been caught in an oil spill. They need first and foremost to be washed, but they also require medical attention, food and medicine. Housing before being washed is needed, as well as housing that provides room to recover and regain strength so that they may be released back into the wild.
Humboldt Wildlife Care Center is committed to providing that care.
Had this been a petroleum oil spill, the State of California has in place a response network to care for impacted wildlife. Fish oil however is beyond the legal mandate of this network. While HWCC has the support of the State in tackling this problem, the financial costs of the level of care these birds need are high. We are relying on the North Coast community, and beyond, to help us give these birds another chance.
As of now 8 Brown Pelicans and 2 Western Gulls have been rescued and brought to HWCC’s facility in Bayside. There are more birds who need help and a team is on scene each day. Hopefully, these birds will soon be captured and, with the help of volunteers, experienced rehabilitators and the generosity of those who share this beautiful part of the world with these magnificent birds, given the care they require.
You Can Help
  • Monetary donations to Humboldt Wildlife Care Center
  • Gift cards to local hardware stores
  • Tools for cage building
  • Sheets/towels
  • Volunteer at the HWCC (visit their website
For more information:

Short-tailed Albatrosses hatch chick on Hawaiian Archipelago

January 25, 2011

Endangered Bird Hatches on U.S. Soil for First Time in Recorded History

A pair of endangered Short-tailed Albatrosses has successfully hatched a single chick on an island in the Hawaiian archipelago, marking the first time the species has ever been known to breed outside of Japan, American Bird Conservancy reports.

The hatchling broke through its shell on Eastern Island, one of three small, flat coral islands that comprise Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge over 1,300 miles northwest of Honolulu. A second nest, located on Kure Atoll, a 213-acre coral island located about 55 miles from Midway, produced two eggs which failed to hatch. That nest was being incubated jointly by two females, and so the eggs were likely not fertilized by a male.
Short-tailed Albatross
Short-tailed Albatross © Kirk Zufelt, from the surfbirds galleries.
“Certainly, we had hoped that both nests would be successful and that we would have three new chicks, but the good news is that we have a live chick and two attempts at nesting,” said Dr. Jessica Hardesty Norris, Director of the Seabird Program for American Bird Conservancy, the nation’s leading bird conservation organization. “We would like to congratulate the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) on their success in attracting the birds. They have been putting out decoys and using other methods for years.”
The parents of the Midway chick first paired up on the Refuge during the breeding season four years ago (2007-08). During that season, they were observed spending only a little time together. During the following season, their time together increased. By the third season, they arrived at the Eastern Island breeding colony together and built a nest but did not lay. This breeding season, one of the pair was observed incubating a freshly laid egg on November 16, 2010. The pair has been under close observation ever since. FWS reports that the birds’ leg bands reveal that the male of the pair was hatched on Torishima in 1987 while the female hatched there in 2003.
The Short-tailed Albatross was once the most abundant of the North Pacific albatross species, numbering more than a million birds. It was decimated by feather hunting at the turn of the 20th Century, and by the late 1940s was thought to be extinct. In the early 1950s, ten pairs were discovered breeding on Torishima. The population has now reached 3,000 individuals, with some birds on the Senkaku Islands, but most still on Torishima. Conservationists fear an eruption of the active volcano there could spell disaster.
Outside the breeding season, the Short-tailed Albatross ranges along the coasts of eastern Russia, Korea, China, Taiwan, and Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands, and occasionally off the Pacific Coast of North America.
Besides potential geologic threats, the bird is vulnerable to rats and other predators, but the biggest recent mortality threat is bycatch in longline fisheries. Thousands of miles of fishing lines, carrying hundreds of millions of hooks, are set by longliners throughout the world’s oceans each year. Albatrosses, petrels, shearwaters, and fulmars are killed when they become attracted to the bait attached to the hooks, and either swallow the hooks or become snagged and pulled under the sea to drown.
For many years, ABC has campaigned to end seabird deaths from longlining in U.S. fisheries with significant success. Following ABC’s report: Sudden Death on the High Seas – Longline Fishing, a Global Catastrophe for Seabirds and subsequent advocacy efforts by ABC and others, seabird deaths in Hawai’i and Alaska are down by up to 85%. However, a stark reminder of the threat resurfaced recently when two Short-tailed Albatrosses were killed by longliners in Alaskan waters.
ABC has also been working to encourage the United States and other nations to become signatories to the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP), an international treaty currently protecting all albatross species and seven petrel species in the Southern Hemisphere. The Agreement requires measures to be taken by signatory governments to reduce fisheries bycatch of albatrosses and petrels, to protect breeding colonies, and to control and remove introduced species from breeding islands. ACAP has been signed by 13 countries, including the United Kingdom, France, and Spain, but the United States has so far failed to join them.
“Joining ACAP would show our commitment to protecting declining populations of albatrosses and petrels on a global scale. While the U.S. is already implementing almost all of the provisions of ACAP, it is important that we formally sign the agreement to demonstrate leadership and commitment to the rest of the world,” Hardesty-Norris said.

Posted by Surfbirds at January 25, 2011 6:48 PM
