A very busy Summer means critical need for your Support!

It’s been a crazy Summer. Our caseload is the heaviest in our 40 year history. Right now, in a lull that allows me to stop a minute to get out a quick appeal for help, we have nearly 60 patients in care.

Two orphaned raccoons in our care are close to being weaned. After weaning they still have 10 weeks of growing and learning to do before we can release them back to their wild freedom.

At a time when our need is greatest, our donations are at their lowest. We need your help.

13 raccoons, 4 opossums, a Green heron, two cormorants, 6 swallows, 2 Song sparrows, 2 swifts, 3 deer fawns, and more need your support. As do all the animals that we will admit in the remaining months of baby season, and beyond. If our caseload trend continues, we will admit another 300 to 400 animals before this year ends.

Staff removes multiple hooks and line from an entangled Common Murre. Derelict fishing gear results in thousands of Marine wildlife deaths annually in California alone!
Ten baby opossums admitted after their mother was hit by a car. A kind and compassionate person brought them to our clinic from Southern Humboldt July 3rd. It will be another few weeks before any of this litter will be released.

We simply can’t meet the challenge of caring for wild animals injured by human activity and the derangement of their habitat caused by our ongoing ecological crisis without your help.

Also, I can’t express deeply enough our gratitude for those who’ve chosen to sustain us monthly. Regular donations, rolling in each month are what keep us going … While we don’t have the money we need to cover all of our expenses at this time, if it weren’t for those generous monthly contributions, we wouldn’t have the day to day funds to keep stocked on basic food and medicine. Thank you. If you’d like to become a monthly sustainer, follow this link.

Our water bill, our rent, our electric bill, our small staff – each of these are mission critical expenses that can’t be paid without your financial support. Please help. Donate today! Thank you for keeping our doors open!


Video! Pelican, Chickadees, Raccoons and Finches, plus an important plea for help

We’re at that time of year again when our coffers are depleted by our annual wild baby season, exacerbated this year by our record setting caseload! Nearly 1000 wild neighbors cared for already and still 3 months to go before the year ends! We need your help! Our goal: $10,000 by Halloween!  Donate here if you already know you want to help, otherwise check out these videos presenting various patients from this very busy Summer…

Also, BAX is still in the middle of an avian botulism outbreak response at the Lower Klamath Basin Wildlife Refuge! Please help us meet the costs of caring for hundreds of impacted waterfowl there! Nearly 300 birds successfully treated and released so far!
