Help us meet our End of Summer goals, get Pelican Dreams on DVD

As part of our End of Summer campaign, we have a limited number of DVDs available as a special thank you when you contribute $100 or more!

The Pelican Dreams DVD has over an hour of extra features!

Released in 2014, we are excited to announce that Pelican Dreams, the latest documentary by award-winning filmmaker, Judy Irving (The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill) is now on DVD.

Centered around the story of “Gigi” – a very young (4 months old!!) female Brown Pelican who landed on the Golden Gate Bridge one afternoon in August 2008, the film follows her rescue and rehabilitation. Brought to International Bird Rescue in Fairfield, California the story is helped along by “Gigi’s” primary caregiver (BAX/Humboldt Wildlife Care Center’s co-director, Monte Merrick). As the Pelican’s primary caregiver, the film spends some time with him, as well as wife and partner and fellow co-director, Laura Corsiglia.


The film took over 6 years to make and includes footage from Bird Ally X/Humboldt Wildlife Care Center rescue work, and uses footage shot in Crescent City Harbor by Arcata’s own Ishan Vernallis (Medicine Baul).

Thanks to Judy Irving and Pelican Media, we can offer these as a special thank you for contributions of $100 or more! Become a member!

Thank you for being a part of this life-saving work!


Young Raven thinks, “Outside the box!”

During the last week of August, on an evening walk along Clam Beach, a McKinleyville resident saw a dark clump of seaweed at the surf line. As he got closer, he thought, “No, those are feathers.” And then at last, “those feathers are breathing!”

The young Raven (Corvus corax) was thoroughly soaked, immobilized by hypothermia (very low body temperature).

Fortunately, since it was late in the day, Lynda Stockton, who runs the stranding hotline for the North Coast Marine Mammal Center in Crescent City was nearby. Lynda, also of McKinleyville, regularly walks the beaches of Humboldt County, checking on stranded Seals and Sea lions that have been called in by the public. In her beach work, Lynda often finds struggling seabirds, bringing them to Humboldt Wildlife Care Center when she does.

Lynda took the bird back to her house for the evening. She told us, “he was totally down, unresponsive, soaking wet, only breathing.” Lynda kept him (we don’t actually know the sex of the bird) warm through the night and brought him to our Bayside clinic in the morning.

raven sept 2015 - 07Raven gets full exam prior to release.

At the inital exam, 12 hours after being pulled from the surf, the Raven’s body temperature was back to normal, but still he was unsteady on his feet – we discovered that the bird was molting in a fresh set of feathers and that he was a young, no more than a year old.

Residual neurological problems after such a close brush with death are normal. We provided fluids, vitamins, a dose of a mild pain relieving/ anti-inflammatory drug and a healthy diet of fish, fruit, seed and insects. Within a day, the Raven was standing normally and ready for an outside aviary.

raven sept 2015 - 05Checking feathers and wing function at his release evaluation.

After four days we gave another complete exam. Lynda Stockton was able to be on hand. She was astonished at his recovery.

Six days later we released the Raven, hopefully wiser now, back to his habitat. We invited to Lynda to join us. She called him Edgar. We called him free.

raven sept 2015 - 14Lynda Stockton of the North Coast Marine Mammal Center (right) and Elissa Blair, Bird Ally X staff member, let the Raven out of the box back at Clam Beach.

raven sept 2015 - 15Get me out of here!

raven sept 2015 - 16

[Right now we are striving to meet our Summer busy season expenses. Any thing helps. Please donate what you can, $5, $25, $50, $250, $500 or more! Thank you for your support!]

raven sept 2015 - 17The young bird swept away from the beach area and back toward the trees across the highway, an area know for Raven families.

raven sept 2015 - 21In only seconds, the Raven put some considerable distance between his rescuers and his future! 

raven sept 2015 - 28

raven sept 2015 - 27

raven sept 2015 - 26Somewhere over there… a young Raven tells his friends and families an amazing story of life, close calls, and what a cage means. Chilling!

raven sept 2015 - 22Our last glimpse

Working together with other environmental and wildlife welfare organizations is an important part of meeting our mission. We are grateful to call the good people who operate the North Coast Marine Mammal Center our friends and colleagues. They help us get our job done!

And of course, we are grateful to you, for providing the resources we need to meet our mission, of protecting the wild and caring for the injured and orphaned wild animals of the beautiful Redwood Nation.

Thank you for being a part of this life-saving work!


(All photos: Laura Corsiglia/BAX)


Late Summer, and We Need Your Help!

Our summer bills are piling up, our babies need food and we need you! Want to help wild animals in our region? Donate today!

It was four years ago this week that Bird Ally X teamed with Humboldt Wildlife Care Center to rescue over 50 fish waste contaminated juvenile Brown Pelicans found at the public fish cleaning stations at Crescent City and Shelter Cover, on California’s beautiful and rugged Redwood Coast.

What began as an emergency response developed into a permanent partnership, with Bird Ally X and HWCC merging into one organization. This began an intense period of infrastructure building. We’ve added seabird pools, a pelican aviary, a raptor aviary, raccoon housing, other small mammal housing, a waterfowl aviary, renovated our songbird  aviary, and more!

We have a permanent full time staff and our clinic is open regular hours every day of the year. These are substantial improvements. Because of these improvements, with these our organization is now a member of the Oiled Wildlife Care Network, and we stand more ready to help in the event of an oil spill in our region.

We have advocated for our wild neighbors, promoting co-existence and working with communities and policy makers to reduce the injuries that our society heaps upon the wild and natural world. We have treated nearly 5000 wild animals in these last four years. In short, it has been a period of exponential growth and advancement – none of which would have been possible without your support.

And we still need your support. We rely on your donations to accomplish all that we do. You make it happen. You buy the baby formula. You buy the frozen fish, the frozen rats, that the meat eaters we treat must have. You pay for the electricity that keeps our incubators and pool pumps running. You purchase the medicine. You pay for the gasoline that takes our education team and wild ambassadors to schools all over Humboldt County. You provide the eggs we feed our raccoons. Without your support  we wouldn’t have the water for the zucchini patch that all of the omnivores we treat rely on – raccoon babies, skunk babies, and baby opossums. You even pay for the tortilla chips and salsa that we provide for our volunteers, many of whom come in for full day shifts.

Your support is needed now to help us catch up on our summer expenses (water bill! food bill! electric bill!) and prepare for winter and the return of seabirds to our region as well as the season when we can improve and repair housing after the wild babies in our care are old enough and ready to be released.

raccoons 2015 - 002
… and also caring for the wild babies still in our care! Right now we have 23 orphaned raccoons, many of whom will be with us for another couple of months, learning to hunt, forage, and provide for themselves before they will ready for return to the wild. Help us provide the natural diet that they need to learn to be the best raccoons they can!
raccoons 2015 - 016Raccoon formula keeps the young orphans moving forward. Still, mom would be a lot better, so we work hard to keep wild families together!
raccoons 2015 - 031After weekly exam, young raccoons are returned to their freshly stocked housing, fish, vegetables, rodents, insects and more!

raccoons 2015 - 036

raccoons 2015 - 067
raccoons 2015 - 083
raccoons 2015 - 088As soon as staff returns these youngsters to their housing, they get as far from us as they can.


All photos: Bird Ally X



Barntini 2015 was a Blast! Thank You!

The second annual Barntini! was a terrific time with an awesome turnout! Thank you to everyone (individuals and businesses, listed below) who contributed to the food, the drink, and the silent art auction! Thank you to the band, Silver Hammer, for keeping the Beatles vibe happy and strong all night! And thank you to all those who volunteered their time to make this big party happen! And thank you especially to all who came out to have fun and  support  the work of the Jacoby Creek Land Trust and Bird Ally X/Humboldt Wildlife Care Center. See you at next year’s Barntini!

barntini 2015 - 10  barntini 2015 - 02

Thank you to everyone who donated food, drink, art and more!

Bien Padre
Bonnie MacRaith
Brett Shuler Catering
Casa Lindra
Coast Seafoods
Cypress Grove
Dutch and Dewey’s
Eureka Natural Foods
Fieldbrook Winery
Gretchen Schuster
Gus Clark
Humboldt Distillery
Ken Griggs Homemade Beer
Laura Corsiglia
Linda Parkinson
Moonstone Crossing Winery
North Coast Co-op
Patricia Sennot
Six Rivers Brewery
Tomaso’s Specialty Food
Willow Creek Farms


Osprey in Care – the Fish Hawks

Love is a hunting osprey    
above the charging sea –
Silver fish beneath the sky
expose their dreams to fly.

The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), the Fish hawk, an easily observed raptor who plunge-dives feet first from the sky to catch fish, lifting themselves and their prey straight back into the sky. A familiar sight: one of these large, long-winged birds carrying a trout or a perch, or any other of the over 80 species of fish that make up nearly all of their diet.(1)

We don’t often see these birds in care. When we do, often we are only able to help them out of this world due to the severity of their injuries – collisions with industry, fishing gear, and other hazards industrial civilization has brought to rivers, lakes, shorelines of fresh and salt water. Rarer still that we raise their young as orphans.

The challenges of raising wild predators are steep. Predators need to learn how to hunt. This is something that parents teach their young, something that adults of a family group can teach, even, in some cases, a foster parent. We can place young nestling hawks into a another nest of the same species and the new “parents’ will care for the young newcomer as their own.

For a wild animal like the Osprey, the challenges are clearly greater. It’s a rare species that produces young who don’t do better with their parents help post-natally. For young Osprey, an adult to lead the way is crucial. For wildlife rehabilitators to successfully raise any wild animal, serious attention to that patient’s natural history and a means to replicate those principles as best we can are essential. For orphaned Osprey, recreating the juvenile period of education requires a degree of specialization.

Our work with other plunge-diving species, like the Brown Pelican or Belted Kingfisher, coupled with our work with more commonly admitted land-using birds of prey, such as the Red-tailed Hawk, give us the tools and experience we need to provide good care for these unique birds.

And this Summer, those tools and experience are being put to the Osprey challenge! We have both an adult and a fledlging in care.

2015 Osprey - 106Our adult Osprey patient, brought to our facility after intial treatment at Tehama Wildcare, outside of Red Bluff.

2015 Osprey - 122Our Juvenile Osprey patient was brought to us  from Stanislaus Wildlife Center in Stanislaus County.

The Adult, we believe a female, was a victim, along with her entire family, of a nest fire. In early July, her nest in Red Bluff came in contact with utility equipment (Osprey often nest on utility poles and towers). Her feathers were badly singed. She and a nearly-fledged chick were taken to Tehama Wild Care in Tehama County. After being stabilized, she and her chick were transferred to Humboldt Wildlife Care Center for long term care. Unfortunately, her chick died soon after arriving at our facility, possibly due to stress.

At this point the adult Osprey has an excellent prognosis. Her feather damage is severe, but she is able to fly, and we anticipate a full recovery.

2015 Osprey - 001BAX/HWCC rehabilitator Lucinda Adamason meets Karen Scheuermann of Tehama Wild Care in Weaverville to bring the adult Osprey and her chick to Humboldt for continued care.

2015 Osprey - 037The adult’s feather damage is apparent as she is perched above the pool in our Aviary developed for patients who dive for fish.

2015 Osprey - 047At feeding time, we have opportunities to take photographs. This bird has no desire to be around people and protests loudly when her “space” is violated. Keeping our movements hidden from a sharp predator like her is difficult, but we try so that her stress level stays as low as possible.

2015 Osprey - 104Our second Opsrey patient, a juvenile from Stanislaus County.

After nearly in month in care, we admitted another Osprey, a juvenile who’s been raised by Stanisluas Wildlife Care Center near Modesto. Fearful that the youngster was becoming too accustomed to people, with help from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the bird was transferred to Humboldt Wildlife Care Center to provide an opportunity for recovery. Between our large aviary as well as the company of the adult Osprey , this bird also has a good prognosis.

This bird has some feather damage as well, so, even if all else about her (we believe based on her large size that she is also female) is fine, it will be some time before she will be released.

2015 Osprey - 087The initial exam. The feet that we hope will soon be lifting fish from rivers and lakes!


2015 Osprey - 080

2015 Osprey - 091A small amount of blood is periodically collected and tested to make sure that general health is maintained while in care.

The day after the new juvenile arrived we introduced her to the adult with whom she’ll be spending the rest of her care. While it’s hard to tell what any raptor is thinking, the introduction went well – both birds became more interested in each other and appeared less stressed in general. Now it is our hope that they form a bond of some kind – for both of thier sakes.

Because the damage to their feathers may extend their time in care, we have an opportunity to give the young bird the chance for an education in hunting. Because of the adult, the juvenile may actaully wind up with a foster-mother, and the time spent in our aviary will provide her chance to to learn to hunt.
2015 Osprey - 097Introduction day. While it is hard to ever say what any wild animal is thinking, let alone a raptor, the introduction went well. Both birds became immediately more interested in each other than us. Each appeared to become less stressed by the company of the other.

2015 Osprey - 068Stocking the pool with goldfish to begin the process of learning to hunt.

Four years ago we began the hard work of rapidly increasing the capacity of Humboldt Wildlife Care Center. Four years ago, HWCC could have not taken these patients. Four years ago long-term patients, most aquatic birds and others were transferred to rehabilitation facilities in the Bay area.

Thanks to your support we are emerging as the kind of wildlife care facility we’ve long strived for, a place that is respected throughout the state for the quality of the care we provide. We still have more progress planned, and there will always be advancements to make. But with these two Osprey, sent to us from hundreds of miles away, we have the chance to acknowledge the distance we’ve already traveled.

Thank you for helping making Bird Ally X/Humboldt Wildlife Care Center into the place we are today. And thank you for looking forward with us, and supporting us in our continued improvement and development – for providing the best care we can, working for the best injury prevention, for continuing to improve co-existence with our wild neighbors and for training the next generation of wildlife caregivers.

2015 Osprey - 076

Thank you for being a part of this life-saving work! Your support is 100% tax-deductible!

All photos Laura Corsiglia/BAX






Western Screech-owl in care shows his finery right before release to the wild

One of the lesser known side-benefits of working at a wildlife hospital is the intense and privileged proximity caregivers have to wild freedom. Want to help give injured and orphaned wild animals a second chance? Volunteer with your local wildlife rehabilitator!

weso wingspread aviary
