About a month ago our resources to get through the Summer began to dwindle, getting dangerously low… ordinarily the support receive each day, each week, each month, gets us through – it’s a shoestring existence, and hand to mouth, but we get it done. Somehow, we get it done – the support makes a difference and we carry on, meeting the challneges of our mission.
This year is another story. First, we are in the middle of rebuilding our facility, as everyine I’m sure is tired of hearing about. But also we are treating the same number of patients as ever – we’re at nearly 1000 admissions for 2023! And our resources are at rock bottom! We cannot go on like this. Please help.
Your support goes directly to the care of injured and orphaned wildlife, from Mendocino to Oregon, from Weaverville to the Pacific Ocean. Our responsibility is enormous and your help is the only thing that will keep us going!
If you can donate anything, now, please do so! Your online contribution will be in our account within a few days! We need your help now. Thank you!!!