The species treated so far:
10 Northern gannet
6 Brown Pelican
3 Laughing Gull
2 Royal Tern
1 Green Heron
1 Magnificent Frigatebird
1Semipalmated Sandpiper
1Ruddy Turnstone
1 Cattle Egret
1 Sanderling
1 Dunlin
10 Northern gannet
6 Brown Pelican
3 Laughing Gull
2 Royal Tern
1 Green Heron
1 Magnificent Frigatebird
1Semipalmated Sandpiper
1Ruddy Turnstone
1 Cattle Egret
1 Sanderling
1 Dunlin
Since 22 May more birds have been captured, and more birds were released too… updates will be in soon…
among the birds released so far have been pelicans, gannets and the green heron…